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Depois de terminar a sua carreira profissional passou a dedicar-se à fotografia, sua paixão antiga.
Inicialmente os seus trabalhos incidiram sobretudo no meio urbano, mas foi a Natureza que acabou por conquistar as suas preferências. Com um olhar atento e curioso tem privilegiado a água e as aves, por serem os elementos da Natureza que mais o sensibilizam.
Recebeu vários prémios em concursos e a sua obra já pôde ser apreciada em diversas exposições.
Autor dos livros “Contrastes – Natureza vs Urbano” e "O Feitiço da água".


After finishing his career he devoted himself to photography, his old passion.
Initially his work had a focal point mainly on urban areas, but afterwards Nature conquered his preferences. With an attentive and curious look he has concentrated his attention on the water and the birds, because they are the Nature elements that touch him more.
He received some awards in competitions and his work has been seen in several exhibitions.
Author of the books "Contrasts – Nature vs Urban" and "The Magic of the Water".

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